The affusion shower massage at La Thalasso Deauville Algotherm is a body massage beneath a gentle shower of warm sea water, for added relaxation.
Resting on your stomach (or on your side for pregnant women), you’ll enjoy a pressure point massage over the entire back of your body. Overhead, showers gently rain down warm sea water, as if surrounding you with sea spray. Absorbed quickly by the skin, active ingredients from the sea spread through your body while your back, neck, hands, legs, and feet relax through massage.
Since the 19th century, we have known that sea water and the water in our bodies are very similar. The idea behind thalassotherapy is to transfer the active ingredients in sea water to the body to replenish what it needs. Sea water contains some sixty trace elements, including calcium, sodium chloride, cobalt, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc. These trace elements perform many functions, from regenerating muscle cells to oxygenating tissue, strengthening bones, and protecting against stress.
During your half-day of treatment, you will enjoy free, direct access to Deauville’s Olympic-sized swimming pool (depending on the days and hours it is open as set by the municipality), the La Thalasso pool (when water aerobics classes are not in session: see the schedule), the weight training and cardio room, the sauna, the hammam, the sun-drenched rooftop on nice days, and the relaxation room stocked with Deep Nature organic herbal teas.